

260909 will be remembered as the most important day in my life.

it was Raya the 7th.the sun was high in the sky, temperature was almost 38-39, and i was really, really busy on that day. open houses, yeah...houses...had 4 houses to attend on that day. shit.a week before, me and her had make a deal to see each other on 26th.it was a promise, not a deal.an unbroken promise.hahaha :P so i saved my spending, duit raya, and suited up so that our 1st meeting was going to run smoothly.

Friday 25th.i went to Selayang, stayed at apict's and told him my plan.Saturday 26th.The D-Day.i suited up, nice jeans and tee(which made me looked like i came from the 70's) and feel so excited towards our 1st meeting and then, the problems came.i suddenly realized that i had to attend 4 open houses on that day, and she also had to attend numerous open houses.well,it's Raya, dude...i settled up the first 3 houses(had to attend the 4th one at night) sooooo quickly, and wait for her call.then came another problem.both me and her had no transport(i went Selayang using train,arrived at KL first), oh shit, how we are going to meet now?, i asked her.then after minutes of discussion, we came up with a solution.

we both assumed that time was not the best time to meet. she was busy with her open house, so did i,no transport...so,we postponed it. *sigh*

so we didn't want to blame each other because of this thing. it wasn't our fault, it was technical faulty.

well,we guessed the God didn't want us to meet on that day.maybe He had a better plan for both of us.

but overall, i learned something useful from that day. Hari Raya is a very bad time to date someone :P

Posted on by nazz-o-rama


we thought we are the strongest but yet, we aren't

i always thought we are the strongest. the strongest among them all. the one who rise above them all.


when difficult times come,
we are the weakest among them all. we can do nothing to get through it. we just flee, to save ourselves. while others suffering in pain to get through these hard times. we always talk about unity, how can a union become strong through unity. we thought we have the strongest unity and will become strong, eternally. but we have forgotten the unity that we talked, and proud about. now what is the point of something that we proud about? it's nothing. totally useless. we didn't together when we trying to get through the hard times. we pass it, and just feel pity to the unfortunates. feel pity when we do nothing to save them. that is the disastrous situation ever in civilization history. believe me, when we feel we are the strongest ever, the feeling will eat and destroy our society.
Posted on by nazz-o-rama


humans : the most hypocrite creation ever.

i often encounter this situation :
"i will never do this,never...it's not nice for me to do that"
"i'm not a hypocrite."

ok.2nd sentence.highlight on that.
you sure you are not a hypocrite???
really sure??? think about that once again.

do we really stand firm on our statements?
do we really sure that we wouldn't lose our integrity?
think about that once again.

when a situation comes to us and forces us to be hypocrite,for the sake of our future,or our beloved ones?
what you are gonna do?
stand firm with your integrity,lose everything...

well,all humans are hypocrites.
we can't run away from this truth.it's a human nature to be hypocrite.
Posted on by nazz-o-rama