
apa mau buat?

cuti. best giler la cuti sebab takyah ngadap komputer aku buat C++ yang memeningkan + menyakitkan kepala, siang dan malam itu. dan juga takyah nak kira-kira convert octa, hexa, binary dan sekutu-sekutu nya tu lah. dan juga dapat aku tidur. tidur, tidur, tidur. sampai kena marah ngan bapak aku. dan juga dapat aku habiskan segala jenis movies + tv series kat komputer aku ni. tapi cuti ni memang la membosankan dan membunuh. ye la, duit dah kering sebab beli cd burner yang bodoh + asyik power error je + mahal giler nak mampos, aku kene tipu ngan orang kedai tu. nak beli Boss Distortion pedal pun terpaksa ditangguhkan. dah duit takde, nak buat ape lagi, duduk rumah la. nak mintak duit kat 'main funder' aku, memang tak lepas la. mintak duit beli rokok pun kena marah. adoi...

sekarang ni apa mau buat? duti takde, apa pun tak jalan. maka dengan kuasa Tuhan yang maha kuasa aku pun buat la benda-benda yang dapat menghalang aku daripada mati kebosanan dirumah yang tercinta ini. yang dah jadi rutin hari-hari, ialah download albums. memang iTunes aku tu dah penuh ngan album-album:

Green Day-Kerplunk
Green Day-Nimrod
Green Day-Warning
Green Day-International Superhits
Green Day-Dookie
(okay, memang aku fan Green Day gila-gila dari sekolah lagi.)

Foo Fighters-Foo Fighters
Foo Fighters-The Colour and The Shape
Foo Fighters-There Is Nothing Left To Lose
Foo Fighters-One By One
Foo Fighters-In Your Honor
(di sebabkan semua alat yang memainkan pita kaset dirumah aku dah pupus, maka di download la album-album diatas.) kecuali:
Foo Fighters-The Greatest Hits

Weezer-Radtitude (style!)
Julian Casablancas-Phrazes For The Young
Katy Perry-One of The Boys (taktau la apsal aku download.)
Paramore-Brand New Eyes (UTP nye yang aku download sound quality macam haram!)

ok, itu la albums yang aku download. semangat je cari. dah 3-4-5 hari lepas tu, malas la. buat benda lain. maka di usha-usha pula guitar tabs. tak pernah main Foo Fighters before this, tengok la tabs lagu-lagu Foo Fighters. mencabar, tapi cool jugak do. dah boleh dah main lagu Big Me, Best of You, The Pretender, Wheels...haha Abang Grungey a.k.a Ahmad Faris yang tercinta, jom jam lagu ni do!!! hahaha

banyak la benda baru aku belajar. guitar la, bukan C++ ye. lagu Foo Fighters memang ajar aku chording pelik-pelik, tapi at the same time praktis la jari aku ni haa. cuma tak main masuk-masuk guitar pedal la lagi kan. tunggu la next duit masuk aku beli la Boss Distortion pedal yang meng-'stim'-kan tu. antara benda-benda lain yang aku buat dikala bosan menjelma:

-tengok MTV (ngan bapak aku pun dah tumpang sekaki, dia tengok WorldStage haritu)
-bangun pagi (ni nama nye dah takde keje)
-pergi breakfast (dah bangun pagi, nak buat apa lagi?)
-tengok langit (ni sumpah dah bosan gila)
-cari penyakit (main bola tengah-tengah hujan, isap tembakau)
-kutuk jiran sebelah rumah aku. bersama bapak ku. (ada skandal siot orang sebelah rumah tu. lu orang tak percaya, datang sendiri tengok.)
-ber-futsal (sial je kena tipu ngan Nuar haritu). bersama brader-brader Bank Rakyat. rembat bola nak padu je, memang aku goyang la kalau jadi keeper. Hilmi TB boleh la jadi keeper.

serious kalau dah bosan tahap Dewa Tunggal maka benda-benda macam ni la yang akan dilakukan. ini cerita benar. based on true story and real events.

-May the Force be with you.
Posted on by nazz-o-rama in


laki ke pompuan?

baru je habis tgk satu video clip ni kt MTV...israel pun israel lah, dah bosan sangat + tak boleh nak tido punya pasal maka di switch kan-lah dari AXN 701 ke MTV 713...jarak channel tak jauh pun, ada lah selang 5-6 channel jugak lah...maka tengok lah aku video clip-video clip yang menggoda maha menggiurkan dari entah sape entah artis pompuan yg dari UK tu...hmm boleh tahan jugak minah ni, tambah sikit dosa aku malam ni...pastu video sean kingston yang somebody call 911 tu la, Foo Fighters dengan video 'Wheels' nye (phewwit!)...setelah beberapa puluh/belas minit aku filling up bekas-bekas dosa dengan hiburan-hiburan yang menggoda khas dari MTV, tetibe muncul-lah satu video clip band ni, Tokio Hotel...hmm, nama band biasa je lah, takde apa-apa yang suspicious lah kira nya...yang menimbulkan syak wasangka aku dan umat manusia sejagat ialah singer/frontman die:

"dia ni laki-laki ka pompuan???"

dari segi suara, taktau nak ckp lah sbb zaman sekarang ni, laki-laki nak buat suara pompuan dan vice versa nye, memang tak menjadi satu masalah lah bagi umat manusia akhir zaman...so, suara memang aku tak kisah...tapi muka singer dia macam pompuan...comel dan lawa seperti seorang pompuan...tak tipu...dan aku terus melihat ke bahagian yang laki-laki akan selalu lihat pada seorang pompuan, dan hasilnya hampa. tak seperti yang dijangka. ia adalah seperti landasan kapal terbang. kecondongan permukaan adalah 0 darjah. tidak seperti cik beyonce knowles dan scarlett johansson yang kecondongan permukaan nye melebihi 45 darjah...sangat yummy. maka selepas beberapa video clip selepas video clip yang menimbulkan tanda tanya itu, tiba lah masa nya untuk iklan. relax lah sekejap dari buat dosa tu...dan di tika iklan-iklan berkumandang, keluar lah iklan Tokio Hotel ni...dangar lah singer nye bercakap seperti manusia biasa seperti kita kebanyakan ini. macam laki-laki...dan suara nya cakap apabila menerima anugerah MTV yang maha israel itu. macam pompuan...aik?! sekejap laki-laki, sekejap pompuan...
korang fikir aku merepek? lihat:

ini adalah Tokio Hotel. yang dua dari kiri (rambut itam yang buat gaya nun) itulah singer die yang aku kecoh-kecohkan dari tadi...haa, aku tak merepek, ok? oh, nama betul singer die Bill ape ntah nama die...yang aku tau nama die Bill...Bill ye,take note sikit...

Posted on by nazz-o-rama


phew, phew, phew...

busy days are over...
now is the time to relax and enjoy this goddamn holidays!!!


plumbing kat rumah buat hal daa....
adess,kene tolong betulkan pulak...

Posted on by nazz-o-rama



i'm currently sick. with these heavy, chesty cough and runny-nose flu, sure it limits my activities. and my daily routine. no cold beverages, cough kot, mane bleh minum... and menthol cigarettes, mostly prefer Salem Menthol. booo to me. booo to my currently daily routine =(

but one thing i like about getting sick.

when we got sick, we'll be grateful of what the God has given to us before we got sick. that is the time when we will promise to ourselves that we'll not do these thing lah, that thing lah..."ok pasni aku kurangkan isap rokok"..."haih, kena excercise banyak banyak pasni "...macam macam...the question is, will we keep that promise after we relieve from sick? ask that to yourselves, fellas.

-jaga kesihatan anda semua. pesanan dari Kementrian Kesihatan
Posted on by nazz-o-rama


Kamelia unleashed!

it was a great Halloween night show, i said it a Halloween night but in fact it was a simple dinner occasion hahaha.

well done performance by judin and the gang, Starlight (Muse) and Reptilia (The Strokes), although there was a lil bit of, you know, imperfect there :P

and to my band, great show. we played our best. but the crowd weren't cool. nah, it's okay. technical was suck. i must said it was suck. next time we gotta reduce the number of rhythm guitars. but overall it was great. as long we enjoyed it while we were on stage, it's okay. let us remembered it as our debut performance in UTP, shall we?

a million of thanks to:

Faris Ahmad
Damak Polloi
Rais Gila

so, what's next? Pelesit Kota? ;)
Posted on by nazz-o-rama


this is the worst day ever.

i must say that today is the worst day ever in my life. i must say it is. it all started at 4.00 am on Oct 26th when i got an emergency call from my friend which stated that my cousin was caught by the police for smuggling unregistered phones; which is 20 units of iPhone and BlackBerry. ok, story about that. i already booked one unit of iPhone for my friends, Anwar a.k.a Gon and he had paid 150 for the down payment. and as usual business, every customer wants their purchased items, no matter what happened. well, that's today's business, man. people pay you, you better give 'em the best. now that my cousin a.k.a The Running Man a.k.a The Supplier had been caught by the police. and those bastards wanted 6k, 300 for each unit, or they took all 20 phones. ok, so he paid them 6k, hoping that he would get the items and deliver it to the customers. he used all of the money, including the all 150s he got from his customers to bribe those fucking bastards which we called police. ok, the money was handled to 'em, and the fuck-est part was, they took the phone also. now what the fuck was that? y'all got those money, so what was the fucking point u guys took the phones also. fucking police. now, no phone. sure all customers wanted their 150 back. and The Running Man had no money. he had used it all to pay the fucking police.

next, the violation of my privacy. i gotta tell u guys this. the violation of my privacy sure pissed me off real bad. if u were unlucky, i might smack u with my baseball bat. there were some of those punks, and i don't fucking know where the hell did they get my picture, and most importantly my high school picture(which i hate those fucking high school memory so much) and all of the sudden it was posted at facebook, and tag all of the people in it. you punks got my pic over the internet, and post it in public, without my approval, which was in the picture, and most important thing, that picture was the i-hate-to-show-to-other-people picture, ain't that a privacy violation? and so i started my day with scolding and cursing people for posting my picture over the internet.

and so i went to the Computer Organization test at 3.30-4.30 at block N. and took the test, as usual, i would empty my pocket and put it all in my bag and went to the test. and after the test, i went back to my room, blah blah blah... and as i wanted to listen to my iPod, the shittest thing happened. no sign of my iPod in my bag! for sure i searched it like a woman who lost her kid, searching everywhere with despair-looking face, Apict did witness it. i followed my track back from V1 to block N, hoping that i would find my iPod. still no sign. i was losing my hope, had no point to live. i bought that thing with my own cash, and u know how i love that thing and losing it, sure it kills me. from this evening until now, i didn't even dare to open my iTunes application, it hurts me so much. i don't know what to say about this. i was speechless.

then it was my iPhone customer. he wants the 150 as soon as possible. now with The Running Man had no cash, same with me, how could he get the cash as soon as possible? no, i'm not using my own cash, it's not me who did the business, i'm just a fucking middleman. for what reason must i used my own cash to pay my customer? i have no comment about this, i don't know what to say about this, but i'll bet ya The Running Man would ask me to use my own cash to pay my customer the 150.

later that night, Grand Dinner meeting. i don't wanna go to that meeting, i had to study for my test. and the reply was, "study sebelum pukul 10. pastu kau dtg ar meeting.". yeah, easy to say, dawg. u never experienced what i experienced, eh Manager? everytime i went to the meeting, it was useless. my department seemed did not have any task to do, cause all of the task we supposed to do was taken by another department. huh, what a douche. so now, what was the point of going to meeting? it was like wasting your time, whereas u could use the wasted time to catch up your syllabus and do something else.

so, ain't this is the worst day ever? actually there are lot of shits happened on that day. i just write the events which are understandable by everybody. the rest, u will never understand it. better i keep it on my own.

you better not lose to Redskins, Philly!
Posted on by nazz-o-rama


it's the Enzo Ferrari!!!

warning/ernste warnung/предупреждение: the following post is strictly not related to the above title.

it's 7.10...kat luar dah terang dah pun...and i'm not able to sleep.

why? because there are too much going on inside of my head and i don't know how to tell it. don't know where to start with. actually it's an old issue, probably last year's or a couple of years back issue and then the problems keep coming, and adding to the head, adding more and more headache. craphole.. seriously i had been under attack by these thing called 'migrain', and to make it worse, during my driving back in several months ago. all of the sudden, the blood rushed to the head and it was like 'the shittest feeling ever on earth'. while i was driving. luckily i was not involved in anything un-nice, and dead.

now i have to straighten up myself. the problem? fuck it. to hell with it. live happily. long live and prosper (credit to Star Trek to avoid plagiarism...lol)

- May the Force be with you.

Posted on by nazz-o-rama


studio debut

just finished my studio jamming debut (after raya) with faris, damak polloi, rais gila and nuar bangang. it was a long time we didn't jam together, i thought i would become more crappier than our previous session. so i started to listen various songs from my iTunes player (the predicted song to be played in studio, such as the strokes, arctic monkeys, etc, etc...). concentrate so much on the drumline so that i would not become a crap in studio.


something weird, but fun happened in the studio. we didn't play our 'usual song' (as stated in the predicted songs above). instead we played Taper Jean Girl, King Of The Rodeo, Red Morning Light, Trani, Joe's Head, California Waiting, Disorder, She Lost Control, etc etc... it was the first time we played that kind of setlist, but everything went fine. jamming with legends like Ian Curtis and Emmet (ask the bandmates about who these two blokes really are), sure made us felt 'mantol gile nak mampos'. the chemistry was there, i could feel it.

so, what's next? songs from Humbug? hahaha...

p/s : Ian Curtis mantol sial!

Posted on by nazz-o-rama



260909 will be remembered as the most important day in my life.

it was Raya the 7th.the sun was high in the sky, temperature was almost 38-39, and i was really, really busy on that day. open houses, yeah...houses...had 4 houses to attend on that day. shit.a week before, me and her had make a deal to see each other on 26th.it was a promise, not a deal.an unbroken promise.hahaha :P so i saved my spending, duit raya, and suited up so that our 1st meeting was going to run smoothly.

Friday 25th.i went to Selayang, stayed at apict's and told him my plan.Saturday 26th.The D-Day.i suited up, nice jeans and tee(which made me looked like i came from the 70's) and feel so excited towards our 1st meeting and then, the problems came.i suddenly realized that i had to attend 4 open houses on that day, and she also had to attend numerous open houses.well,it's Raya, dude...i settled up the first 3 houses(had to attend the 4th one at night) sooooo quickly, and wait for her call.then came another problem.both me and her had no transport(i went Selayang using train,arrived at KL first), oh shit, how we are going to meet now?, i asked her.then after minutes of discussion, we came up with a solution.

we both assumed that time was not the best time to meet. she was busy with her open house, so did i,no transport...so,we postponed it. *sigh*

so we didn't want to blame each other because of this thing. it wasn't our fault, it was technical faulty.

well,we guessed the God didn't want us to meet on that day.maybe He had a better plan for both of us.

but overall, i learned something useful from that day. Hari Raya is a very bad time to date someone :P

Posted on by nazz-o-rama


we thought we are the strongest but yet, we aren't

i always thought we are the strongest. the strongest among them all. the one who rise above them all.


when difficult times come,
we are the weakest among them all. we can do nothing to get through it. we just flee, to save ourselves. while others suffering in pain to get through these hard times. we always talk about unity, how can a union become strong through unity. we thought we have the strongest unity and will become strong, eternally. but we have forgotten the unity that we talked, and proud about. now what is the point of something that we proud about? it's nothing. totally useless. we didn't together when we trying to get through the hard times. we pass it, and just feel pity to the unfortunates. feel pity when we do nothing to save them. that is the disastrous situation ever in civilization history. believe me, when we feel we are the strongest ever, the feeling will eat and destroy our society.
Posted on by nazz-o-rama


humans : the most hypocrite creation ever.

i often encounter this situation :
"i will never do this,never...it's not nice for me to do that"
"i'm not a hypocrite."

ok.2nd sentence.highlight on that.
you sure you are not a hypocrite???
really sure??? think about that once again.

do we really stand firm on our statements?
do we really sure that we wouldn't lose our integrity?
think about that once again.

when a situation comes to us and forces us to be hypocrite,for the sake of our future,or our beloved ones?
what you are gonna do?
stand firm with your integrity,lose everything...

well,all humans are hypocrites.
we can't run away from this truth.it's a human nature to be hypocrite.
Posted on by nazz-o-rama


esok adalah hari baru.

forget the past.look into the future...demn aku pn xtau knape aku tulis ayat ni.
esok ada test.i mean,hari ini.
CO...demn subjek tu mmg susah tahap gaban..nk kne hafal that freakin boolean la,de morgan la,hexa,octa,deci la....
adoi..leceh la nk kira2 ni.dah la time lab td calculator aku rosak..cam sial je la...
kalau rosak time test esok,mmg aku buang ke laut la calculator lahanat tu...
menyusahkan org je...penat aku jaga kau wahai calculator...kau jgn hampakan tuan kau ni.

-my flu is getting better..haha nasib baik x H1N1..mkn ubat sedas dua das dh elok..hahaha
Posted on by nazz-o-rama


what i'm gonna do after my graduation?

we were speaking about this matter just now...some said they wanna work for 2-3 years and then start a family...start a family before their age hits 30...some said they wanna work for 20-30 years and then retired with full pot of gold...i said nothing about this issue...ok, i said a lil bit but i'm not sure and confident for what i had said...ok, now i'm gonna say truthfully(maybe) about what i'm gonna do after my graduation.

ok,if anything goes well,i mean if i'm not extended my semester,then i will finish my study in december 2012..i guess so lah..convo in july 2013..so i got around 6 months before convo..for sure during my convo i already got a job..so where i'm gonna work?i don't know..maybe PETRONAS,if they offer me..if not,well,business/I.T student sure got many places to work,rite?where am i gonna stay,it's up to where i'm gonna work..if KL,then in KL lah,if Ipoh,stay at my parent's..if not both places?nevermind,i know lah what to do..period of working?i don't know..maybe in 10 years working under a company..

long period eh?ya lah,the longer you work under the same company,the more experience you can get from it..and then,the last issue : starting a family..damn,i really hate this issue but you know,we can't run away from this issue forever..it will keep chasing us..haha..so better i set the timeline now..so i wanna start a family at 30+..i wanna enjoy this life you know..cause rite now i'm kinda feel like into it..life without the special one..and it suits me well..weird..i know it sounds weird...feel free to criticise me..but am i gonna attend my friend's wedding all alone by myself?or hanging around at mamak by myself while all my friends hanging around with their family?man,this can't be..thus i wanna change my statement just now..let the Almighty decide when i'm gonna get married..

Posted on by nazz-o-rama


the miserablization of me.

this morning i didnt go to lab.and class.same thing on monday.didnt go to lab also.its all because of my 'batman' habbit...sleeping late at nite.
dammit even got 8 am class also wanna sleep late at nite...
what has happened to me?!
tonite im gonna sleep early.
palig lewat pn pukul 2.
Posted on by nazz-o-rama



like 4 hours ago i lost my wallet...
in that thing,i have my :
-driving license
-ATM card
-student card
-H1N1 screening card
-summon slips

ok,not too many lah in my wallet
but for me,losing it symbolizes something...
no responsible.
yep..no responsible
how come i can lose that easy thing?
while others do not lose theirs?
am i gonna be a responsible person in the future?
compromises my responsibility integrity so much at that time...

luckily lah keri found it..
behind bass guitar amplifier..
grrr i'll smack you,amp!!!!
Posted on by nazz-o-rama


blog baru.orang sama.

this is my new blog.
yang lama punya dh kena delete.
google account yang delete account lama aku so dengan automatic nya blog lama pun xleh access...
mmg cam sial...
especially email hackers.

xde mende lain ke yg korang nk hack...
adoyai hack la kementrian pertahanan ka,
pejabat PM ka,
UTP nye sistem ka,
email aku gak yang nak di hack...
bukan aku kaya pun.

so tadi baru lepas tgk GI Joe.
citer tu mmg caya.
rugi kalau x tgk.
x buang duit pun gi tgk.
bukan mcm Harry Potter baru2 ni... :D
Posted on by nazz-o-rama