
You Need to Write It down, Son.

writer's block, they call it. I call it a congestion of ideas and thoughts, like the streets of Kuala Lumpur on 8 A.M. too many ideas keep flowing out, I don't know which one I should spill. and as the result, I posted bullshits all over my social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, G+). sorry if annoyed some of you in my posts, I never meant it, haha...

the point is, people tend to misinterpret what I tried to convey. I don't blame them because not all are gifted with an open heart + mind...plus, posting stuffs in facebook is kinda annoying and twitter has a limitation of 140 characters per post/tweet.

I need to share because I'm a person that has an urgency to share something that I think public need to know, or enlighten by the facts, or whatever it is. whether we like it or not, whether we realize it or not; we are getting dumber and ignorant year by year, month by month and day by day. ignorant and dumb are vulgar words, I know...but if we are given the truth right in front of our eyes and we choose to ignore it, does that make us dumb and ignorant? the more I realize this, the more pissed off I get. nahhh I'm not exactly pissed off, I'm more to pity...yes, pity...I pity for all of you.

days by days I sat down and thinking. through the rains, sun, heat, monsoon and haze I became an angry kid, got mad at everything, everyone because I was not able to show them which actions were dumb and not dumb. I tried, once...I was trying to educate an old man not to become a racist and what did I get? a fist, so damn near to my face.

God loves me, I do know that. on one fine day, in the middle of a fucking hot day I was driving and cursing to them kiasu drivers (they always look down on us because they drive Honda and we drive Proton), suddenly He spoke to me:

"You need to write it down, son. Stop being a lazy ass and angry scumbag. Go write something."

Obviously, not the exact words but that was it. a moment of clarity. 
Posted on by nazz-o-rama